Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentine Traditions

I was going to title this "The Non St. Valentine's Massacre", because each Valentines Day our family has a mini Valentines Day disaster. But not this year, finally!! In previous years we have had a kitchen fire, stomach viruses (not fun after an all red meal) and other mini disasters. So my kids both look forward to and dread what the day will hold. Our tradition is that I cook a fancy dinner using as many red or pink ingredients as I can, and we then sit down to a candlelight dinner using our best of everything. So here are a few pictures of the kids sitting at the dining room table. Oh, in case you are wondering, the closest we came to a disaster was that the chocolate covered strawberries for the neighbors did not get dipped because the kids, while washing the strawberries, decided to cut off the tops too. So we had nothing to hold while dipping. Sorry neighbors!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Love the blog, Sharon! Nate and I can't believe how big the kids are! We have the same feeling about Super Bowl weekend that you have about V Day: without fail, every Super Bowl since Viggo was born, I have been struck with some awful stomach virus. This year was no different. I'm glad you survived Valentines Day :) What a fun tradition! I'm inspired!!